Let’s Make Sure Your Vote Count

Remembering The Law of Attraction is of utmost importance. The results of our election depends on all of us understanding how energy in voting makes a difference.
The Law of Attraction says that you will attract into your life whatever you focus on, and that like attracts like. But the way to manifest what we want hinges on our making sure we are focusing on what we really want.
Let me explain. Most people in our country are focusing on what they don’t want. So many Americans have stated they are voting for Joe Biden because we can’t let President Trump win again. Their fear is directing their choices, not what they’re wanting.
By focusing on keeping Trump from winning, we are focusing on Trump. All of our attention goes to what we don’t want. Can you see that all the energy being sent on to Trump is going to be a powerful draw to an outcome most of us don’t want?
There’s a solution to this dilemma, and it is simple. If we, as a nation in peril, take our focus off the candidates, and on to what we want, we can’t lose. With all the people’s attention all over the country focusing on what they want, they can’t help but receive what they’re wanting, and that’s what we want, isn’t it?
Take President Trump out of the equation. He doesn’t matter except for all the reasons he’s given us for wanting to vote.
Now, to manifest what we want, we have to focus on what we want. We have to clarify what we want our vote to mean. If like attracts like, you want to make sure that your vote will shape the world of your desires, not what you don’t want. And then you need to elaborate. Your beliefs shape your thoughts, your thoughts shape your actions, and your actions shape your reality.
For me, my belief that our country needs to come back to a way where we may differ in our opinions, but we should be able to compromise might lead me to think about having a president who listens instead of rules. The next thought helps me decide about the vote I’m going to make because I also want a loving a caring democracy. Now that I’m clear to take action, I can make my vote from a place of the love and peace and caring for what I want for our country.
This is not the only issue where I want change, so I shall take out a new notebook and begin writing the changes I’d like to see in our new administration. The more clarity I receive, the more positive energy I can bring to what I write. Visualizing the black community celebrating the end of police brutality, I feel their relief and sense of freedom from abuse. A raise in the living wage is helping families have enough money for all of their needs and less dependence on a government that doesn’t always keep its promises. It’s comforting to have confidence in an administration that’s always honest and prepares me for anything I should know. I’m beyond excited that the energy in our country is uplifting and that we are all eager to help.
I don’t know about you, but I want whoever wins the election to lead us to a sense of unity. I want to feel confident our next president will help us get through this pandemic in ease with less and fewer people being affected until we’re all vaccinated and safe.
I could go on and on, but I hope you understand with the information I’ve given you, you’re not only going to vote, but you’re going to make that vote count for something you want.
To learn more about the Law of Attraction, google Law of Attraction on the internet. There are many books on the Law on Amazon and other bookstores or at any library.